SpeedAdmin in numbers

SpeedAdmin is the most used administrative software system for Music Services in Scandinavia and has a continuously growing presence in all of Europe.

Founded in the early 2000s by Torben and Karsten, our company has a rich history rooted in a deep understanding of the music and arts industry. Torben moved from his position as a Music School Leader to start SpeedAdmin together with Karsten, and we have consistently worked towards digitalising processes to enhance efficiency and flexibility.

Our commitment is user-centered, placing a clear focus on the unique needs and nuances of the music and arts sector. Throughout our journey, we have remained dedicated to providing innovative solutions that reflect our passion for this vibrant and dynamic industry.








In-house developers


Music Services



Behind the dream there's the team

Sales & Marketing

Thomas Reng Thomsen

A headshot of Ellen Wemmelund coming out of a sea green colored plectrum.

Ellen Grahl

DACH Sales Manager

Johan André

Nordic Sales Manager

Fenja Brommann

Sales & Marketing Coordinator

Kateryna Khaliava

Marketing and Administration Student Assistant

Alicja Depka

Sales and Marketing Analyst

Support, Implementation & Education

Torben Rasmussen

Co-founder and CCO

Eva S. Jensen

Customer Success Coordinator

Daniel Philipsen

Customer Consultant

Malin Lindström

Customer Success Coordinator

Niclas Villadsen

Customer Consultant

Torbjörn Kristiansson

Customer Consultant

Kathrin Grube Andersson

Customer Consultant

Anita Lassen

Customer Consultant

Dagmar Halldorsdottir

Customer Consultant

Vajka Thomsen

Customer Consultant

Hannah Beaumont

Customer Success Manager

Lee Carter

Customer Consultant

Victoria Eriksson

Customer Consultant

Pernille Kristensen

Support Manager


Karsten Grau Rasmussen

Co-founder and CTO

Kasper Christensen

Development Manager

Louise Blaaberg Clausen

SCRUM Master

Rob Earle

UI/UX Designer

Michael Nielsen

Software Developer

Kim Ramgaard

Software Developer

Christina Johansen

Software Developer

Michael Johannsen

IT Supporter

Hans Peter Kjær

Tech Lead - Front End

Christian Høttges

Software Developer

Eric Ruder

Software Developer

Pierre Knudsen

Software Developer

Casper Koch Albæk

Software Developer

André Mackus

UI/UX Designer
A headshot of Niklas Braun coming out of an orange colored plectrum.

Niklas Braun

Student Assistant Dev

Finance & Admin

Sandra Ludvigsen

Head of Finance & Admin

Helle Semrau

Financial Assistant

Sandra Albers Krogh

Administrative Coordinator


Kitchen Assistant


Kitchen Assistant


Michael Hamann


Our shared journey and history

We have deep roots within Music & Culture Education.
Here's a brief history of how we got to where we are today.

SpeedAdmin launches with Sønderborg Music School as the first customer that started using SpeedAdmin. Here's a look at our original logo, very Formula 1.
SpeedAdmin old logo
SpeedAdmin reaches its first baby milestone of 15 schools using the system in Denmark.
15 customers
By the end of 2011 SpeedAdmin had 35 customers. Stavanger is the first school to try SpeedAdmin in Norway, opening up the Norweigan market.
SpeedAdmin meet Keld, the owner of “Damus”. A collaboration between with Keld begins, moving Damus customers into SpeedAdmin, and Keld joins the company.
SpeedAdmin and Damus
In 2014 SpeedAdmin reached the huge milestone of 100 music and culture schools using the system!
100 customers
In 2015 SpeedAdmin entered two new and huge markets, Sweden and United Kingdom. Starting up in the UK with Essex Music Service and Simrishamn in Sweden.
In 2016 the expansion continues again with the first schools starting up in the Faroe Islands and Germany. Read more about the first German school in our blog.
Read blog post
Now with over 300 customers, SpeedAdmin, is awarded Børsen Digital Gazelle. Børsen the leading Danish business newspaper. Digital Gazelle is given to one company each year that have had a huge impact regarding digitalization.
Karsten Torben gazelle awards
Schools in Greenland start using SpeedAdmin which makes it the first North American country (in a geographical sense, of course) using the system.
Our expansion into the German speaking world continues as the first Swiss schools start using SpeedAdmin in 2020.
In 2021 SpeedAdmin reached the monumental milestone of over 500 music and culture schools using the system!
500 customers
School Archive Logo
Our journey continues to Iceland!
SpeedAdmin acquires the Icelandic based music school system "School Archive".
Read blog post
An exciting new step in our story will begin in 2024