The Brave Digital Pioneers Have Already Begun...

Although SpeedAdmin Play! won’t officially launch until November 29th, some “brave digital pioneers” have already embraced the system and gone live with significant portions of it.

The brave digital Pioneers / AI-generated

Leading the charge is Gothenburg Music and Arts School, a major institution with over 250 teachers. Since October 2023, Gothenburg has been deeply involved in testing and developing SpeedAdmin Play! In June, they fully transitioned to the new system, migrating all of their existing data. Throughout the summer, the school opened registration forms, welcoming over 8000 new students, and in August, their teachers received training on the new platform and began teaching with the support of SpeedAdmin Play! Their tremendous effort, feedback, and collaboration have played a critical role in refining the system and paving the way for future schools.

In Sweden, Luleå Music and Art school will begin their implementation process this autumn and go live in October/November, with Stockholm following right after.

Meanwhile, in the UK, Dartford Music School kicked off the new academic year entirely on SpeedAdmin Play! and will be the first to handle invoicing through the new system at the end of September. Hot on their heels, Royal Liverpool Philharmonic will follow shortly.

New schools that have recently adopted SpeedAdmin are opting to start directly on the new system. This includes Kalix in Sweden and Lurøy in Norway, both well into their implementation phases, with registration opening soon. In Switzerland, Küssnacht is set to go live from January.

These early adopters are key to the successful rollout of SpeedAdmin Play! Their invaluable feedback and collaboration are helping us fine-tune the system to ensure it is stable and reliable for future users. They’ve been driving the system forward while we’re still laying down the tracks ahead of them, and we cannot thank them enough for their dedication and pioneering spirit.

If you want to be one of the first schools to migrate to SpeedAdmin Play! please reach out to and we’ll ensure you get a place in line.

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