A Major Milestone This Month!

The past month has been incredibly busy and rewarding for our team. The migration of SpeedAdminPlay! at Göteborg Kulturskola has required significant effort from all involved and close collaboration with the fantastic team at Göteborg Kulturskola. This project has provided us with valuable insights and developments that will benefit all future implementations of SpeedAdmin Play!

We want to extend our heartfelt thanks to the entire team in Göteborg. Special recognition goes to their admin team, who have thoroughly tested the functionality, provided crucial feedback, and worked closely with us. Their teachers have also embraced the new features, recognizing the many possibilities SpeedAdmin Play! offers. Lastly, we commend their leaders for taking bold steps in business development with the new system.

Migration Project Overview (…So Far)

We will continue working closely with Göteborg into the next academic year and start implementation projects with other pilot schools. Collaborating with our current customers is essential to ensure we get the basics right in all markets, facilitate a smooth transition for all customers, and lay the groundwork for future developments of the best system for music and art schools.

First Steps into SpeedAdmin Play! - Gothenburg is going Live!

On Friday, June 14, Gothenburg's School of Culture opened applications in the new SpeedAdmin Play!. For Gothenburg, this is one of the major goals after a more than 3-year long process of needs assessments, business analyses, requirement specifications, procurement processes, and implementation work.

We previously had SpeedAdmin as our management system and were well acquainted with the functions that system could offer, but it did not always fully meet the operational needs of our school of culture. So, when it was time to make anew procurement of a management system for the school, we were careful to include what our analyses showed we needed.

This resulted in requirement lists with hundreds of points of both functional and non-functional requirements. Important points for us included various ways to register or apply to the school of culture. Scheduling also needed to be flexible, and we have a great interest in developing the learning platform and online courses. But almost most importantly, the system should be a complete planning tool for the entire operation of the school of culture. Big thoughts and wishes.

SpeedAdmin won the procurement with its new management system SpeedAdmin Play!, and the implementation process started in the fall of 2023.

At the beginning of 2024, we were asked if we wanted to be the pilot school for the new system and be the first out. We were very hesitant about it. We had hoped for a finished system that we could quickly move into and start working with, but that was not the case. SpeedAdmin was, and still is, in the development phase of SpeedAdmin Play!. We also felt uncertain about how we could fit our quite large and complex operation into an unfinished system. We have about 7,500 active students and almost as many more on the waiting list. We have about 250 teachers and almost 400 different subjects.

It felt crazy to get into this, but at the same time, the idea began to grow that we would have the opportunity to influence the development of SpeedAdmin Play!. We saw functions in SpeedAdmin Play! that were missing or needed further development, and after discussions within our school of culture and with SpeedAdmin, we decided to jump into the deep end of the pool. Without a lifejacket and unable to swim.

But we felt that we had an organization within the school of culture that would manage this. A project group that basically worked full-time on the implementation, and amazing coordinators and administrators out in the units who have had to work extremely hard during the spring.

And during the work, we had full access to SpeedAdmin's development department. As soon as a bug appeared, or something else was missing or not working, we reported it. Sometimes the problem was solved quickly, sometimes it was bigger bugs that took weeks to fix, which could create great frustration for us. But SpeedAdmin has always been supportive and helpful.

It has been a development journey that we have made together with SpeedAdmin. We in Gothenburg have been forced to develop our operation, and SpeedAdmin has been forced to develop its system even more. And the journey continues because we are not there yet. Today we opened applications for the first round of everyone on the waiting list, as everyone must reapply for their queue positions since we created all subjects a new. This application will take place in rounds based on how long they have been on the waiting list, and on July 1, we will open applications for everyone.

In August, we will start the admissions to the school of culture in the new SpeedAdmin Play!,and then we will know more about how everything has gone. New functions are constantly being added to SpeedAdmin Play!, and our journey continues.

Martin Lillberg, Kulturskolan Göteborgs Stad

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